Playable Demo

  • Use the white up and down arrows to switch between animations.
  • Please note that this demo only has a few animations, in total there are 66.
  • The animations are based on the pre-rendered PNG images, the Spriter Pro version and the source files have much higher resolution.


  • Spriter Pro Project ( One Entity with 66 animations)
  • 66 Pre-rendered Animations (multiple 840 x 840 PNG files)
  • Affinity Designer Source File (Editable layered vectors for customization)
  • SVG format converted (Editable object vectors for customization)
  • PSD format converted (Editable layered bitmaps for customization)


  • Make it easy to prototyping your game using this character as a basis for creating your own characters, or use it as is.
  • With the included Spriter Pro project you can modify parts of the character, add new ones and easily modify the 66 animations to your liking.
  • Use the source files to modify the character's look and add new objects and character parts to the Spriter Pro project. (Formats ->  afdesign/ PSD/ SVG)
  • Includes a pre-rendered version of the Spriter project animations that you can use right away. You can directly import them into game engines that support PNG image sequences or if you like, merge them into a sprite atlas via sprite packer (free <==> paid).

!!This Asset will receive updates!!


The aforementioned Affinity Designer, Adobe Photoshop, Texture Packer, Spriter Pro, Dragon Bones, Spine, Pixelmash, PixelOver, Inkscape, Krita, Gimp, Sketchbook, Texture Packer, and Free Texture Packer Software are not included in this package and are the intellectual property of third parties and , therefore, have their own permissions and licenses for use, be aware of them or seek legal information before using any of them.

The Character Captain Rosso is a creation of Manoel de Oliveira (ManNeko) with the objective of being used and modified freely by those who acquire it, being protected only by the terms of and without any restrictions on its use.

Download Contents

Captain Rosso Animated Character (Spriter Pro)

This file contains a Spriter Pro animation project, as well as a collection of sprites (PNG slices)representing parts of the Captain Rosso character's body and its component items, such as the hat, sword and weapon. Also representations of visual effects such as the fuse of a bomb and explosion effects. To open and edit this file you will need the Spriter Pro software (you can buy it here) . This option is useful if you want to customize the character and add new items or new animations, otherwise, if you just want to use the character as it is, maybe it's more practical to use the sequence of PNG animations available in the downloads.

This version can also be easily imported into various video game engines using dedicated plugins that are available on the Developer's website. In the list are Unity Engine Import versions as well as Construct 2 and 3, C++, C#, Javascript, LibGDX, Game Maker Studio and Monogame can be downloaded from this link.

Captain Rosso - Affinity Designer Layered Project

*You must have Affinity Designer to edit this version (if you don't have it, there are other editing methods in the downloads)

This download contains an Affinity Designer project file containing the Captain Rosso Character, body parts and accompanying items distributed in vector layers (no loss of virtual quality). This is the original file from which subsequent versions were exported. The File has a suggested resolution of 2K, however since they are vectors, the size can be expanded to more than 8K.
This file is ideal if you want to edit the character's original file to create visual variations that can be exported as slices and loaded into Spriter Pro to reuse existing animations, or even import into Egret's Dragon Bones, Esoteric's Spine, or maybe Pixelmash and PixelOver and from them create your own animations.

Captain Rosso Inkscape SVG Format

*ideal version in case you don't have Affinity Designer as Inkscape is a robust free vector editor.

This download contains an Inkscape SVG file containing the Captain Rosso Character, body parts and accompanying items distributed in named vector objects (no loss of virtual quality). Since the objects are vectors, the size can be expanded to whatever you want. 

This file is ideal if you want to edit the character's original file to create visual variations that can be exported as separated objects to PNG's and loaded into Spriter Pro to reuse existing animations, or even import into Egret's Dragon Bones, Esoteric's Spine, or maybe Pixelmash and PixelOver and from them create your own animations.

Captain Rosso Photoshop Layered (PSD)

This download contains an Adobe Photoshop PSD project file containing the Captain Rosso Character, body parts and accompanying items distributed in bitmap layers.The File has a resolution of 2K, however it can be scaled to a lower resolution without losing quality. You can edit and modify it to create new character variations or to use as a basis for creating your original models. You can then export the layers separately and import them into Spriter Pro to reuse the ready-made animations or even import into Egret's Dragon Bones, Esoteric's Spine, or maybe Pixelmash and PixelOver and from them create your own animations.

*ideal version in case you don't have Affinity Designer or Inkiscape but  you have an image editor capable of editing Photoshop PSD files with multiple layers.

PSD Image Editors

Free: Krita, Gimp, Sketchbook

Paid: Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Photo

Captain Rosso Sprites Sequence (PNG)

The generated animations were pre-rendered into image sequences (PNG) that can be easily resized and imported into game development software that supports 2D Sprites, such as Unity, Godot or even the Unreal Engine.

This file has 3 folders, “gun”, “sword” and “unequipped” each of which has a collection of sub-folders with 840 x 840 pixels square resolution image sequences. The image sequence is named using the name of the folder it is located in, name that represents the action that the character is doing, each image is followed by an ordered numbering in the direction of the animation.

Pre-rendered Animations (folders)

-unequipped (hands free character)

  1. die
  2. falling  -> loop
  3. falling_land                                          (hit the ground)
  4. hurt
  5. idle -> loop
  6. jump_downward -> loop                    (going down)
  7. jump_hurt                                            (damage in air)
  8. jump_hurt_to_falling                          (damage transitioning to fall animation)
  9. jump_landing                                       (safe landing)
  10. jump_start                                           (idle transitioning to jump upward)
  11. jump_top -> loop                                (as high as the jump gets)
  12. jump_transition_downward               (jump top transitioning to going down)
  13. jump_transition_top                           (jump upwards transitioning to jump top)
  14. jump_upward  -> loop                        (going up)
  15. kick
  16. punch
  17. run ->  loop
  18. throw bomb
  19. walk -> loop

- sword (character holding sword)

  1. falling_land_sword                               (hit the ground)
  2. falling_sword -> loop                           (falling animation with sword in hand)
  3. idle_sword -> loop                               (idle animation with sword in hand)
  4. idle_to_sword                                       (idle transitioning to sword in hand)
  5. jump_downward_sword -> loop         (going down)
  6. jump_hurt_sword                                 (damage in air)
  7. jump_hurt_to_falling_sword                (damage transitioning to fall animation)
  8. jump_landing_sword                            (safe landing)
  9. jump_start_sword                                 (idle transitioning to jump upward)
  10. jump_top_sword -> loop                      (as high as the jump gets)
  11. jump_top_sword_attack                       (sword attack while in the air)
  12. jump_transition_downward_sword     (jump top transitioning to going down)
  13. jump_transition_top_sword                 (jump upwards transitioning to jump top)
  14. jump_upward_sword -> loop               (going up)
  15. sword_attack                                         (sword vertical attack)
  16. sword_die
  17. sword_hurt
  18. sword_run -> loop
  19. sword_stab                                            (sword horizontal attack)
  20. sword_walk -> loop

- gun (character holding gun)

  1. die_gun
  2. falling_gun -> loop
  3. falling_land_gun                                     (hit the ground)
  4. hurt_gun
  5. idle -> loop
  6. idle_diag_down -> loop                       (idle pointing gun diagonal down)
  7. idle_diag_up -> loop                            (idle pointing gun diagonal up)
  8. idle_down ->loop                                 (idle pointing gun down)
  9. idle_up ->loop                                      (idle pointing gun up)
  10. jump_downward_gun -> loop             (going down)
  11. jump_hurt_gun                                     (damage in air)
  12. jump_hurt_to_falling_gun                    (damage transitioning to fall animation)
  13. jump_landing_gun                                (safe landing)
  14. jump_start_gun                                    (idle transitioning to jump upward)
  15. jump_top_gun -> loop                         (as high as the jump gets)
  16. jump_top_gun_shot                             (gun shot while in the air)
  17. jump_transition_downward_gun        (jump top transitioning to going down)
  18. jump_transition_top_gun                    (jump upwards transitioning to jump top)
  19. jump_upward_gun -> loop                  (going up)
  20. run_gun -> loop
  21. shot
  22. shot_diag_down                                  (shot pointing gun diagonal down)
  23. shot_diag_up                                       (shot pointing gun diagonal up)
  24. shot_down                                           (shot pointing gun down)
  25. shot_up                                                (shot pointing gun up)
  26. take                                                      (take gun)
  27. walk_gun -> loop

PS: Some animations have a different name in Spriter Pro for organization reasons (eg sword is called weapon in Spriter animation since you can replace the sword sprite with an ax or staff)


Buy Now$4.99 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $4.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Captain Rosso Animated Character (Spriter Pro) 3.6 MB
Captain Rosso Sprites Sequence (PNG) 36 MB
Captain Rosso - Affinity Designer Layered Project 258 kB
Captain Rosso Inkscape SVG Format 360 kB
Captain Rosso Photoshop Layered (PSD) 7.8 MB

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